December 3, 2024

A bumper bookshelf of Indian cooking + Radikal Kitchen live on publication day!

by admin
This week we have an embarrassment of riches, an opportunity to share a treasure trove of recipes that add up to an Indian feast – with books from four chefs each with a different take on the rich diversity of food both from India, and influenced by it, and the food they love outside of that tradition.
To celebrate the arrival on ckbk of The Art of Parsi Cooking: Reviving an Ancient Cuisine, we bring you our Behind the Cookbook Feature, written by author Niloufer Mavalvala.

She writes about her culinary career and the creation of this unique book.

As Niloufer puts it:

“Culled from two ancient cultures – Persia, from where we hail, and India, where we then settled – this unusual historical background gives Parsi foods a distinct and unique flavour.”

Parsi cook, culinary educator, and cookbook author, Niloufer began teaching others about the food of her heritage at the age of 17, giving a class to a group of school girls. After settling in Canada, and with the realisation that others did not know about Parsi food and were keen to learn, she began to set down her thoughts and recipes.
The Art of Parsi Cooking, published in 2016, is her first of several books, bringing many classic and favorite dishes, such as this Fish in Gravy –  a dish you can make with any firm fish, cooked in an aromatic, spiced tomato sauce. Or try Mango Ice Cream – mangoes hold an important place in Niloufer’s kitchen and memories.